Andie Alexander
— Mystery Author —
Coffee cups on books with Saving The World One Story at a Time in the middle

Twin Missions

Twin Missions

*** Book 7 in the Extreme Travel Series: ***

Determined to take down a black-market baby ring, Kes and James are willing to have a child to go undercover. In the meantime, they're thwarting terrorists who are ready to level the economic playing field. Watch out world, because Kes is on a huge mission!

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Details (E-book):

ISBN: 978-1-938350-44-3
Words: 98,404 (approximate)
Pages: 348 (approximate)
Published: August 27, 2019


I leaned closer to my good buddy, Ian, who'd moved up beside me in the hallway. "How long do I have to wait to take a test?" I whispered.

We both stood outside a CIA conference room in Langley, Virginia, which was just west of Washington, D.C. We were waiting to have a meeting with Wilson, our boss, who worked high up in the CIA.

Ian's eyebrows indicated I was being cryptic, the brat. "Test? What test?"

I leaned up to his ear with my hand covering the side of my mouth. "A pregnancy test."

He pulled me aside from the rest of my team of CIA agents. "Kes, when do you think you got pregnant?"

I thought back to the last few days. "Last night or maybe the night before." I paused for a moment. "It may have even been the night before that or twice during the day before that. I'm not exactly sure."

His eyebrows lowered even more. "Weren't you staying in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House last night?"

I nodded.

"You had sex in the White House?" he yelled.

"Shhh." I put my finger to my lips and glanced around us.

My whole team laughed at me, except for my wonderful husband, James. The team joined us at the far wall.

"It's not what you think," James whispered in his sexy slightly British accent. He was very good-looking with medium brown hair and light blue eyes.

The whole team huddled together with me at the center.

"No, it's not what you think," I said, agreeing with James. "We didn't do it in the bed."

Ian shook his head in disgust while Ben, Anita, and Jerome laughed aloud. I didn't see the humor.

"Kes, didn't I ask you to wait?" Ian said.

I nodded, staring at his brown eyes. "Yes, you said to wait six months, and it's been exactly six and a half months."

James glanced at everyone in the group. "We had Wilson's approval, too."

"What?" Ben whispered. "You had to get Wilson's approval to have sex in the White House…but not in the bed?" He shook his head in disbelief while his wife Anita chuckled behind her hand.

James continued. "We had intelligence on the upcoming mission and had been in closed door meetings when the subject came up."

Jerome crossed his arms. "Who was in these meetings?"

I thought back and ticked off my fingers for each person that had been in the room. "Wilson, the president, the vice president, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Director of National Intelligence, and various other members of government."

"Wow, James, when you do it, you do it big," Jerome whispered. "Getting permission to have sex from that group is quite a feat."

Anita laughed aloud. Ben put his arm around her waist and pull her mouth toward his chest, muffling her laughter.

"It was a requirement for one of our missions," James said.

Ben's expression turned confused as he held onto Anita, who was still laughing. "Huh? How can sex be a requirement?"

Anita laughed again, making Ben smile and hold her head against him even harder. I was worried she might suffocate, but Ben didn't seem to care. That was typical for him.

"Not sex," I said, getting irritated. "Having a baby."

My team went silent. Even Anita was tongue-tied as she backed away from Ben and stopped laughing. Everyone's mouth hung open in surprise, while James, Ian, and I stared at them.